
Human emotion is so complex, confusing, beautiful, amazing, and sometimes a complete pain in the ass.

Up until later today, my emotions were on overdrive. I wasn’t acting like myself. I didn’t know how to act. I’ve never felt the emotions that I’ve felt all week in my entire life. I acted on impulse. Whether or not that was the most wise of decisions, I acted the way that I did for a reason. I’m learning how to deal, and everyday is a new lesson for me. Living and learning is something I believe in – without a doubt. It’s safe to say that I’ve learned so much about myself this year. My strength, weaknesses, and areas of improvement.

I’m glad that we got to speak today. I didn’t know the words to say, or how to form them, but each time it gets a little bit easier for the words to fall in place. I’ve never been great at expressing myself. Ever since Kevin passed, I’ve taken a stance to not keep anything in – it never did me any good. It was good to clear the air, so to say, about where things have gone, and where things might go. I think we both have things to work on, but that is  very much expected. I’m not perfect, nor will I ever be, but it doesn’t hurt to try to work on the faults.I believe that open communication, trust, and honesty are vital when trying to build on something. Nothing is perfect, ever, but it doesn’t mean you can’t strive for it.

It’s 12:00 am, making it exactly 7 days for our camping trip. I’m beyond excited, this is something that I need. It’s going to be so good to getaway for everything for a weekend. I can only hope for the weather to be just as amazing as it has been the past few days.

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