I had an idea.

One that consisted of putting an end to seeing everybody’s and everything’s ugliness to start focusing on the more important aspects of life. What if you were to completely capsize on all the negativity you hold very dearly day in and day out? What if what you recieved in return was better than anything you’ve ever imagined? Better than any car, job, useless possession, or even more, money. What if you could trade suffering in for something momentous and beautiful? Every day opening your eyes and really seeing. Feeling, actually feeling life and all and the wonder it’s existence brings. Seeing, tasting, feeling, loving each and every single split second that you breathe in. Giving smiles instead of grunts and those now instinctual hateful thoughts consisting of matters that couldn’t possibly even count as a matter in the first place. Making jaw with random strangers letting understanding come in place of fear and angst. Granting your heart the right to see them, and who they are. Stepping together with people in lieu of stepping further and further away. Allowing complete opposition to your mind’s self importance. Manufacturing real relationships and connections rather than the same old out-dated, lonely “American Dream”, which could hardly even be called a dream anymore.  How about creating something new and give leave to producing new versions of what came before? Instead of falling asleep, how about waking up?

Just a thought. Crazy, Right?

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