I just wanna go back, back to 1999.

I’ve been super busy cleaning up my digital life, organizing, and just making the online experience a bit seamless for me. I’ll spare the nerdy talk about that though. During this process, I’ve stumbled upon some really hilarious things from old Gmail accounts, Photobucket, LiveJournal, etc… I’ll share them below. I think some of my emails with my sisters are pretty hilarious (at least to me.) I hope you get a kick out of these just as much as I do.

Let’s start with MySpace. This was my profile back when I had submitted it for a contest for two tickets to a show they were having. I didn’t win unfortunately because looking back at the emails, it seems like the browser they were using was compatible and it wasn’t showing up. WHACK!

An email with my bestfriend Rebecca. Apparently I was talking to someone named Mickey. I don’t even recall a Mickey…

Good thing I didn’t bet her… 🤣

Old AIM conversations sent from my Sidekick from people I had crushes on.

Not me demanding alcohol from my sister. lol.

Just a few little things I got a kick at when looking through these.


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