Notes on the Full Moon in Gemini and what it could mean for you.


Out from a tumultuous period of retrogrades, from the cosmic weight of planets rolling in the deep of Scorpio, the Full Moon in Gemini now invites us to think our way forward instead of feeling our way around in the dark. The skies are bombastic now, full of opportunities and choices, of adventures and possible foibles. Our hero’s journey sees us out of the dark woods, standing looking upon a vast expanse of land. From Little Red Riding Hood, desperately uncovering the disguised wolves of our lives, trying to make it out alive, to Peter Pan—nimble, cheerful, unending youth and curiosity. It is here where we can be born again into wonder and levity, and their older siblings, rumination and objectivity. This Full Moon will form the backbone of a T-Square, among the most tense configurations in Astrology. And so Gemini comes bearing the gift of flexibility, massaging what is taut, entertaining new and clever ways to hack the system. As Peter Pan said, we can learn to fly using lovely wonderful thoughts, so here we can mitigate any trouble by forging forward with a new set of ideas, and thinking our way into new possibilities.

But be discerning. A retrograde Mercury rules this lunation from 10 degrees of Sagittarius, the sign of its detriment. Add to this, the Moon opposing broad minded Jupiter at 3 degrees of Sagittarius. There is massive potential here for giant thoughts, giant words, enthusiastic conversations and realizations. But, too, is there potential for overlooking details, miscommunication, and generally thinking, saying, and doing the most–open mouth, insert foot. The beauty of a Gemini moon is not having to stick to first impressions, triggers, feelings, or impulses—especially the bad ones. Any breakdown in communication, or breakdown in emotion, can become breakthroughs when we learn to see them differently. There are two sides to every story, and with Gemini, maybe even three, four, five. Choose the one that empowers you forward, or exercise those mental muscles until you can. With dignified Jupiter in the picture, conjuncting the Sun with a 3 degree orb, our challenged thoughts and communication can meet an ultimate alchemy. There is nothing too big for Jupiter to heal or help. The bigness that may lend itself to sloppy encounters, can then become a mythic sized redirection of purpose. All you need is a little faith, and trust, and pixie dust.

Teeing up the T-square is Mars, taking up residence at 4 degrees of Pisces after months of back and forth between cerebral Aquarius and calculated Capricorn. Here, martial energies are relaxed, soft, and lacking rigor. Mars in Pisces is compassionate action. Where the past few weeks or months may have laid bare and raw where our lives aren’t working, here Mars comes to assist in spiritual clean up, casting a kinder eye on ourselves and our stories. The drive of Mars may feel diluted in Pisces, like trying to rev a water-logged engine, but all the same is a healing respite. And even the lyrical underwater movements of Pisces can move us forward in subtle ways. So to be sure, there is no resting or stalling when Mars is around, but at least Pisces takes the edge off, as Pisces, boundless and expansive, has no edges. We can look to the apex planet of any T-Square to find relief from the tension of the opposition (here, between the Sun and Moon, Moon and Jupiter). And so Mars reminds us that empathy is our get out of jail free card, that acting on higher minded ideals of universal love and understanding set us free from our smaller, more personal problems. Mars in Pisces is also the lover, the creative, finding the inherent poetry beneath any situation. So dance, cry, write, draw—actively romance your way into loving where you are. Like Pan–If you cannot teach me to fly, teach me to sing! So if you can’t soar above it, learn to love it. And should this sound too airy-fairy Tinkerbell to you, know that Saturn will be sextiling Mars from 7 degrees of Capricorn, substantiating and making practical the healing done here, and helping us make decisions that support our long-term growth.

The Moon, Sun, Mercury, and Mars are all under Jupiter’s rules this lunation, making Jupiter the relevant final dispositor of this chart, this moment in the sky. All actions and reactions, therefore, can be taken in the spirit of, well, high spirits. Even though manic panic planet, Mercury, may seem to threaten the cosmic order we’ve been waiting for, Jupiter looms larger and with optimism. Even Uranus, still opposing Venus in the night sky, is ruled by this positive motivation. So to me, this full moon is expansive and reassuring. Where you teeter totter into overdoing or overlooking or over-feeling things, a Jupiterian caution, Gemini comes in with mental acuity and detachment, with wonder and flexibility, helping you to mind your mind.

Hook: What of Pan? Would unhappy thoughts bring him down?

Wendy: He has no unhappy thoughts.

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