I’ve always been the type of person to dwell on the negative aspects in life, when I should be keeping my focus on the positive things. I forget to sit down and think about the things that I’ve been through, the life lessons that have evolved me as a person, and the things that I am thankful for. It’s almost that two year mark since I’ve been in Milwaukee, and this whole experience has been so beneficial to me. I’ve grown up a lot, and I’ve learned that I have so many things that I am thankful for. It’s that time of the year for me where I look back, reflect, and take a look at the things that I’m thankful for. I should be a lot better about reflecting on things that I am thankful for, instead of just reflecting on one day out of the year. I promise I’m going to be better about that in the future. So, the whole point of this post is to write about some of the things that I’m thankful for. It’s 12:32, Black Friday has begun, we’re edging closer to Christmas, but nonetheless it’s a good time to sit down, and just write.
I’m thankful for being blessed with an amazing family that has supported me unconditionally, I really don’t know where I’d be without them. This distance has created a bond that has ultimately made us closer. I believe everything happens for a reason, and maybe leaving for a couple of years is something that I needed to do to make an even deeper relationship with my family. We’re not a normal family, we’re dysfunctional at times, but thats what makes my family so great. I wouldn’t trade them in for anything.
I’m thankful for my work family. I know my time in the midwest would’ve been cut short if I wasn’t blessed with this opportunity. I look at myself now, and I look at my last major job that I loved, Nordstrom, and I compare myself then and now. I’m a completely different person. I never thought working here would shape me into the person that I’ve become, seriously. I’m a lot more confident than I was two years ago, and although I was in a customer service position previously, It’s definitely become a bigger part of my life than I would’ve imagined. I’ve learned so much about myself from being here, and every day I’m always learning something new. It’s kind of hard for me to explain, but it’s changed me for the better. I’m so thankful to work with some really great people.
I’m thankful for being able to stick it out here for almost two years. To me, it shows that I’m a lot stronger than people give me credit for. I remember hearing from so many people that I’d be back within a month, and it feels good to have proved them all wrong. It’s so satisfying. I believe everyone should step out of their bubble, and experience something different. Life is way to short to be confined to doing one confined routine. Step outside, log off, and experience what life has to offer. I know people think that I’m crazy for just dropping everything and leaving, but they wouldn’t understand what this process has done for me, and I wouldn’t ever change a thing about it.
I’m thankful for the amazing friends that I have. I don’t have many friends out here in the midwest, it’s been tough, and I find myself being more of a loner out here, but I’m okay with that. I have more time to write posts like these. The few that I’ve made out here are definite keepers, and I’m glad I’ll have a place to stay whenever I want to visit. I’m thankful for making a friend that has put a roof over my head. I’m thankful for some of the greatest people that I know back home. It’s so great that I can just pick up the phone and call my friends back home, and it’s like nothing has ever changed, these are the best of friends.
I’m thankful that I’ve been so focused and so disciplined about not drinking and driving. To be honest though, it hasn’t been tough at all. It’s been pretty easy. Good friends, public transportation, determination, and limiting myself from the scene, and the people that influence me to drink have really helped me stay focused.
I have so many things that I’m thankful for that I could probably write a book about it. I’m going to end this post with a few more things that I’m thankful for. I’m thankful for no more sick whiskey dick. I’m thankful for Britney Spears. I’m thankful for always being myself. I’m thankful for having a full head of hair. I’m thankful for good Wisconsin beer. I’m thankful for good Wisconsin food. I’m thankful for my health. I’m thankful for adventures. I’m thankful for realizing what kind of person deserves me. I’m thankful for becoming more independent.
Thanksgiving is over. I had a great time spending it with Stephanie and Heather’s family. They’re pretty crazy, but I didn’t feel uncomfortable at all. It was really great. I participated in Black Friday for the first time, and it was pretty crazy, but definitely an experience. Were inching closer to Christmas and closer to the new year. 2013 is going to be an interesting year. I’ll be 25, and I’m almost positive I’ll be ready to take that next step in this journey.
That’s all for now.
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